Tuesday 22 April 2008

Sons and Lovers

Title: Sons and Lovers

Author: D.H Lawrence

Publication data: 1913

Pages: 87

Level: 4

Nottingham, London

Characters: Mrs. Morel, Paul, Miriam


The story started when Mrs. Morel had two sons Paul and William, William dead because he had tuberculosis, Paul want to has girlfriends, he loves Miriam but his mother don’t like her so his mother chose Clara for her son, but Clara has a husband in the end Mrs. Morel dead.


  1. Long, but good level not too hard or too easy
  2. Real life

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Marco Polo

Marco Polo was the first person who write about his travels.He was born in Venice in 1254.His father Niccolo Polo was a businessman,Marco Polo write a book his name The Travels Of Marco Polo. Befor he died in 1324 , Marco Polo said "I didn't write about half of the things that I saw ". Many explorers used Polo's book as a guide. Christopher Columbus read it befor he made his first trip to the New World .
Marco Polo helped people to see the world as much bigger and more interesting place.The picture shows Marco Polo.

Highway horror takes its toll

Abu Dhabi: At least three people were killed and nearly 350 injured in a horrific 60 vehicle pile-up on the Abu Dhabi-Dubai highway near Ghantoot on Tuesday.

However, Gulf News has learnt that the death toll could be five. The 25km stretch of the UAE's busiest highway from Abu Dhabi to Dubai was closed for more than five hours, resulting in huge
tailbacks during rush hours.

Police said among the 347 injured, six people were critical, while 39 suffered medium injuries. The remaining suffered minor injuries. Police said 25 vehicles caught fire following the accidents caused by poor visibility due to the thick fog and lack of attention by motorists.